Apple just made a huge move from their .Mac services to something called MobileMe. I think it will be really great when they fix the little bugs.
But one BIG BUG THAT REALLY BUGS ME (ommmm, ommmmm, iGrateful, ommmm) is that my blog publishing program and hosting service, now going through Apple’s new MobileMe, is not working right! It’s making publishing errors, and I can’t enable comments. Further, the comments on all my old posts don’t work right now. All Mac bloggers are having the same problem and are making a lot of noise about it, so I imagine an updated version of iWeb is shortly forthcoming.
So hold your tongues and save your comments for later.
Meanwhile, I’m working on being iGrateful and iPatient.
ADDENDUM July 17: I think they fixed it!!! Comments are back on!!!