The Trail Not Taken

This post was inspired by my friend Dawn, who artfully matches her beautiful photos with her touching poetry. I thought I’d give it a try.

The Trail Not Taken

Two trails diverged in a yellow wood,

and being unable to take them both

and have one butt, long I stood

considering my rear for as long as I could

until I felt bad for its overgrowth.

Two trails diverged in a yellow wood.

And me, I chose the one cut wider-ly.

My butt made all the difference.




Dear Mr. Frost,

Sorry about that. But don’t spaz out. I’m pretty sure your poem was better. Please, do not turn over in your grave! Thank you very much.


7 thoughts on “The Trail Not Taken”

  1. LOL… for just a split second I thought you were actually quoting my favorite poem!

    Great job Ferd… I'm sure Mr. Frost rolled over several times 🙂

  2. I think Mr Frost actually sat up for this one. Probably wishes he'd thought of it first! I'm staying off all butt trails.

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