Thank you, Lee!

I am so grateful for friends like Lee of Tarheel Ramblings, who unselfishly suggested I use his own WP theme when mine became wacky after the upgrade to WP 2.8.  I have always liked the look and feel of his site, but I would have never asked him to use his theme! But he offered, I looked into it, and he’s right, it’s what I was looking for.  It is so customizable I will be tweaking it for a long time, and I’ll make sure I don’t copy all his ideas!

Thanks, bro!

3 thoughts on “Thank you, Lee!”

  1. It's not really my theme, Ferd, I just use it! 😀

    Seriously, I'm glad it looks like it's going to work for you. This theme is so flexible that it's really possible to configure it so that it totally looks the way you want it, and be unique at the same time. And the best part is that it's free. I've seen a few "Premium" themes that don't have the flexibility that this one does.
    .-= Tarheel Rambler´s last blog ..Sunday Scenery =-.

  2. Thanks, guys! I'm really liking it so far!

    I think just about all my old widgets work!

    I love it when I don't have too many techy projects and I can just think about writing. I hardly have enough time for that these days.

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