8 thoughts on “spring has sprung!”

  1. Sandee~

    Good for you! Wow, 70 degrees! We're not quite there yet, but really soon!


    Sucks to be you! 😉

    Keep those long johns on until the ice melts!

  2. Lovely, cheery shot! Our fruit trees (some anyway) are in full blossom and are gorgeous! Our apple trees should follow soon. Spring is my favorite season (actually, golf season is my fav).
    .-= Keli´s last blog ..Stupidity is on the Rise =-.

  3. Keli~

    YES to the golf season! After our recent trip to FL, Gail and I have the golf bug again! 🙂


    You know it!

    Hey, do you want to do a camping trip together somewhere this summer?
    .-= Ferd´s last blog ..spring has sprung! =-.

  4. Mimi~

    Thank you!

    After reading your beautiful post, I realized they are daffodils. Thanks for the botany lesson!

    And, yes, I feel so much better myself. And this is Gail's first Spring in NC. It is a different sort of rebirth for us!
    .-= Ferd´s last blog ..spring has sprung! =-.

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