Providence Park

I dedicate this post to my good eFriend, Cleveland’s eFamous Mike Golch, who puts out some great Rambling Stuff. He recognized the area around Sidecut Park, on which I posted 2 days ago. He mentioned nearby Providence Park. So I decided to head out there with my parents yesterday, visiting the canal, locks and the old Ludwig Mill.

12 thoughts on “Providence Park”

  1. Ferd,that was fun trip down memory lane.thank you.there was just enough clearance between the bridge and the top of the canal boat that the oarsman would be able to pass under the bridge lying down on top of the boad. Hence the term low bridge comming!

  2. Jess~
    It is fun and impressive to see some of this 100+ year old stuff still in working order, and people volunteering to keep the local history alive. But I’m glad I didn’t live back in those times. Everything was so hard!

    Thank you! It was a lovely day of bright sunshine and pleasant temperature!

    Glad you could come along!

  3. Beautiful pictures! And there’s horses!

    (I have a strange fascination with horses. I wouldn’t want one because of all the work it takes to care for them but I love it every time I see one.)

    1. Thanks, K!
      I’m hoping you have the same fascination with mules. They’re at least partly horses!
      Oooh! I’m gonna go check out your “Little Bicycle Ride.”

  4. Linda~
    Thank you! I was lucky to have such glorious weather and light, and that there were still dressed volunteers this late in the year.

    You have been everywhere and done everything! 🙂
    Happy trails!

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