We are up in Toledo visiting Max. Well, okay, I’m also visiting his mother/my daughter and son-in-law, and my own parents, and I saw my son and another daughter in Dayton on our way up here, and Gail is seeing some of her family, but this trip (and this run-on sentence) is really all about Max!
Isn’t he CUTE!! 🙂
And, of course, we made a little time to look for birds. Here are a few of our pix.
Your basic White-throated Sparrow:
A couple of friendly White-breasted Nuthatches who came down off the tree to walk around our feet. I thought one might actually crawl up my leg!
A beautiful Tufted Titmouse:
A manic, stealthy Blue-gray Gnatcatcher:
And a little band of Blue Jays. The picture is a bit blurry, but I like the fanned out tail in flight.
Max has now gone out backyard birding with me twice. Here is a panorama of his backyard.
And here he is in his birding stroller. Well, that’s what I call it, anyway. Great times! 🙂
Max is one handsome little man. That’s what I think.
Have a terrific trip. Hugs to you and Princess Gail. 🙂
He is tres adorable!! I just want to squish his little cheeks. What a happy little face. Isn’t it fun, Grandpa?
Max is just as good looking as his Granddad!