For the last several years, the Make-A-Wish Foundation has been a good and important part of my life. I have a special needs child, so I can relate strongly to the challenges that these children and their families face every day.
The Make -A-Wish Foundation makes dreams come true for these special children, who each suffer in a big way. But for one day, we can help give them a huge feel-good. A little girl might get to be a princess for a day. Or a child and his family might go on a once in a lifetime trip. A little boy might get to spend time with his favorite sports hero. The degree of detail for one of these events would make you cry. It is a truly wonderful gift to give!
Next summer, I will be participating in a benefit bike ride, the annual WAM 300. I have done it several times before, and I’m hooked because it is a win-win-win situation! The kids benefit because we are able to provide the funds to grant many wishes. The parents benefit when they see the joy this brings to their special child. And the rider/participants benefit because giving is the best of joys, and because this ride is quite a health and fitness challenge.
On July 23-26, 2009, we will bike 300 miles for these kids, 100 miles a day, three days in a row. At the finish, our special “wish kids” will place finishing medals around our necks. I’ll probably cry again. I am so lucky. I am perfectly healthy. I can do something like this. They can’t.
If you can spare a few bucks, please consider donating generously to this worthwhile cause. You can be sure that your contribution will be put to the best of uses!
The Make-A-Wish donation link makes it easy, and provides you a receipt for this tax deductible donation.
Better yet, consider joining us on this beautifully supported ride! We would love it if you joined our team, Carbon and Tux. Think about it! I’m serious! Let me know if you want details.
Thank you very much!