10 thoughts on “Macro Monday”

  1. Dawn~

    You don't want to sleep all winter! Look at all the fun ice and snow you'd miss!


    Thank you very much for stopping by and for your kind welcome! I would love your honest critiques!

  2. Glad you could join us. I love Macro Mondays.

    Beautiful shot, but I do have this odd urge to yell at them to wake up! I'm anxious for Spring.
    .-= colleen´s last blog ..Light =-.

  3. Colleen~

    I think I'm going to LOVE Macro Mondays! Seems like there are a lot of nice folks participating! And you go right on ahead and yell at my plant if it will make Spring come sooner!



    Thank you! You can suffer with me as I try to become a better photographer!


    Thank you! 🙂

  4. I think it's splendid for an amateur (?) It surely doesn't look that way.

    Hope your wintering in the Carolinas is going well.

    Had enough snow and ice yet?

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