5 thoughts on “Macro Monday 8”

  1. You've been working on your blog and I like the new look.

    I'm not surprised by the new header.

    The Macro Monday photograph is awesome. Every single detail.

    Have a terrific day. Big hug. 🙂

  2. Elaine~
    LOL! I am a “macro” faker! First of all, I don’t own a macro lens right now. I use either the multi purpose lens that came with the camera, or even my medium telephoto! I also don’t take great pains to fuss with the depth of field: I know to keep the aperture as open as I can, and to adjust the shutter speed accordingly, depending on the light, BUT… I let the camera do it all for me! I just set the little dial to the macro setting and let it rip. It does all the adjustments for me! Using the macro preset is quick, so it’s easier to catch fleeting moments like a bug on a flower. On this picture, the advantages of using a long lens to take a “macro” are that I could get “close” to the bug without it flying away, and that the long lens exaggerates the drama of a narrow depth of field (only the subject in focus, not the foreground or background.)
    Just let the camera do it for you!

    Thank you! I’m glad you like the new look!
    (I think we have decided to go on the boggers cruise!) 🙂

    Thank you! I guess I’m in a bug and flower phase!

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