My body got a bit soft last year. I think I exercised less last year than I have for most years of my life! It had to do with moving from Ohio to North Carolina. The relocation was a year long project. Much of the year was spent sorting and packing, traveling back and forth, starting a new job, selling and buying a house, unpacking, and getting to know our new surroundings. It was all great stuff, but it really restricted my exercise time.
So this year I will get back on my usual track. I’d like to exercise every other day, on the average. I figure, since my job gives me as many days off as I work, I should be able to do it, right? Plus, I love it.
And I resolve to eat more Cheeseburger Happy Meals! How else am I going to have a body like that! 🙂
Ok, first–that picture is just wrong! LOL Second–good idea! I need to do that too, get back into my normal exercise routine…I always feel so much better when I do. Both physically and mentally!
Ronald never looked so good!
Good luck with your exercise routine 🙂
.-= dawn´s last blog ..Sunday Scenery =-.
We eat very healthy here. Have to at our ages. We exercise too. You just have to keep moving or you pay dearly. Good for you. You do look pretty fit to me. Just saying.
Have a terrific day. Big hug. 🙂
.-= Comedy Plus´s last blog ..Are You Addicted? =-.
I know, right!? ASICS – anima sana in corpore sano.
I aspire to look like Ronald McDonald! LOL
You're right! It is more and more important to take good care of our bodies as we grow older. The body is pretty forgiving when you are young, but when you're older, being out of shape really impacts quality of life. Like Jessica said, I feel so much better in every way when I'm physically fit.
Add me to the same category need to get back to my old routine. I was reading an interesting transcript this morning by Dr. David Kessler M.D., on why we overeat. 3 main culprits, salt,fat,sugar. Adding the link should anyone care to read:…
Good luck! And wishing us all a healthier 2010.
.-= Elaine´s last blog ..Too Much TV May Have Deadly Toll =-.
Add me! I have just begun a serious program to reduce. It's just this life we live, is becoming easier than ever to sit around more, and move less. Inertia sets in rapidly. Good Luck to all!
Thanks for the link! Great read!
Yes! A healthier 2010 for us all! I'll drink to that! (Gatorade, that is!)
K. You're added! Let me know how you do with your program!
Ronald wishes! I think we all get off track in the winter months. I too love to exercise, but don't love to get cold and wet (it's been raining here in CA). And I like to exercise outdoors. So I'm doing my best to get out there. My lunches consist of walking.
.-= Keli´s last blog ..Juggling Stupidity on the Telephone =-.