This blog is about the best parts. Natural disasters like the one happening in Haiti belong in some other blog, about the worst parts. The “best” lies in how we respond as human beings. Nations are mobilizing to help the survivors. Without immediate aid, the survivors will fall to dehydration, malnutrition, typhoid, wound infections, etc that are the real killers in these disasters, and many of these deaths can be prevented. I bow to the heroic men and women who drop everything and go to these areas to provide hands on help. I’m not one of those. But if I can’t or won’t give of my time and talent, and can at least share of my treasure.
The two links that follow are organizations that rate the integrity and effectiveness of charities. I am much more comfortable in giving if I know the money is going to the right places. Maybe this will encourage you, too.
Excellent reminder on what we all should be doing if we can. Excellent.
Have a terrific day. 🙂
.-= Comedy Plus´s last blog ..Caption This =-.
Wonderful post Ferd. Even the smallest donations are gratefully accepted.
Thanks, Sandee~
Big hugs to you! 🙂
Thanks, Dawn~
One of the TV announcers yesterday said as many as 500,000 people could die! I was overwhelmed by the thought of that! 🙁
we all can do something,I know I have.
.-= mike golch´s last blog ..Hey bozo. =-.
Dr. Crotte,
In church yesterday our pastor held a special offering to raise money for Convoy of Hope in support of Haiti. This is a Christian organization that brings life changing supplies such as food, water, cleaning supplies, and water filters to the people in Haiti. While the donation of specific food products sounds appealing to many, Convoy of Hope also has the capacity to leverage $1 into $7 worth of food and products through their corporate partnerships. These guys have also received the highest endorsement from the leading charity ranking organization (
ON a business note, I also have a medical supplies client interested in paying you a one time fee to be listed on this blog (or… in a number of ways. This money could be put toward any charity of your choice. They are open to advertorials, tutorials, sitewide text links, or even having you post a few product reviews or website reviews (for a small fee if needed). Let me know if you are interested and we can have some type of payment arranged by PayPal. I am also open to any other options you may have in mind.
Look forward to hearing back from you.
.-= David´s last blog ..Are medical residents working to many hours? =-.
Thank you for telling me about Convoy for Hope. I was already a member of charitynavigator, so I did a search on Convoy for Hope and was surprised to find their score was actually higher than The American Red Cross!
As far as the paid listing, right now I'd say thanks but no thanks. I don't want to monetize my blogs at this time. I appreciate the kind offer, though!
Peace, brother!
I gave a modest donation to the Red Cross last weekend. Right after I realized how easy it was for me to walk to the fridge and get a drink and some food. My heart aches for those people. My only hope is that relief is making its way to them as fast as possible.
.-= Junk Drawer Kathy´s last blog ..Boys Will Be Boys and Sometimes Colossal Jerks =-.