Despite the blizzard conditions up north this year, we had not had a flake of snow until today. We are having a few flakes now. Cold weather and snow bring the birds out to our feeders. Among our many visitors today, of 21 species, we saw our first backyard Ruby-crowned Kinglet!
Not the sharpest picture, but the one that shows the ruby crown best:
Eastern Bluebirds:
A Carolina Chickadee, a Brown-headed Nuthatch, and the Ruby-crowned Kinglet:
The Nuthatch and the Kinglet:
A Downy Woodpecker:
From the top down, an Eastern Bluebird, a Dark-eyed Junco, a Pine Warbler, and a Carolina Wren:
Great bird-time at our house today! 😀
It was fun birding all day on this cold day right from our window! Great pictures! 🙂
Thanks, babes! It was fun! 🙂
We watch our birds too. We have a few hummingbirds that feed and of course our sparrows. We don’t tend to have all the great birds you do. Ours are pretty plain here but we love everyone of them.
Great photography by the way.
Have a fabulous day. Big hugs to you both. 🙂
Well, we spend a lot of time and money feeding and attracting them. They sure do bring a measure of joy, don’t they? 🙂
beautiful birds = Love watching them too GREAT photography!!!
Thanks, Deb!
Hope all’s well in your world! 🙂