Dona Nobis Pacem 2013


I believe most of us aspire to be good people, to do good things, great things! And we aspire to live in a world of peace!

When the first representatives of the human race from the planet Earth landed on the moon, they made us proud. They did not arrive with a spirit of conquest. Instead, American astronaut Neil Armstrong humbly called this historic moment a “… small step for man…”. The heroic people of our space program displayed their true human spirit, a spirit of peace,  when they prepared the plaque that the crew of Apollo 11 left behind on the moon, perhaps for some future explorer to find. The inscription on the plaque reads:

“Here men from the planet Earth first set foot upon the moon July 1969, A.D. We came in peace for all mankind.”

26 thoughts on “Dona Nobis Pacem 2013”

  1. May it be so… om shanti, shalom, salaam, peace, peace, peace.
    Please consider yourself officially invited to participate this year’s 5th Annual Gratitude (word) Quilt. Instructions (it is very simple) and a link that explains the origin of the word quilt can be found at the top of my blog. In past years there have been participants from every continent except Antarctica. I hope you’ll join us:-)

    1. Thank you, Dawn! It’s always a special treat to hear from you!
      This little peace globe is a far cry from the intricacies of previous years, but the spirit is the same!
      Peace and love to you and yours! 🙂

    1. Hey, Travis! I guess we only run into each other at BlogBlast4Peace time, but good to “see” you!

      Yes, simpler than in years past, but still in the spirit.

      Peace to you and yours, too! 🙂

  2. Yes I am commenting AGAIN… I just read the Gabby post and looked at all the pictures and am grinning ear to ear!!! There isn’t a comment section on that one? Did I miss it? I wanted to first say how amazing those pictures are – Gail freaking ROCKS…. and I wanted to tell you what Elizabeth has asked to receive for xmas… not makeup. Not girly clothes. But a .22 rifle. NO LIE.

    1. Oh, I’m glad you told me! Somehow the comment engine was turned off on the Gabby post. I have corrected that!

      That really was a lot of fun with Gabby. Gail had an absolute ball!

      Very cool about Elizabeth! She is such a special person, Kathryn. You are blessed!
      Have you looked at the Ruger 10/22 Takedown? I think she would love it!

  3. I love what you’ve done with this post. I’d forgotten about the moon landing inscription! Thanks for the reminder. I agree with you that most people want peace. Now let’s convince those who don’t….yes?

    Peace to you and yours.

    1. Thanks, Mims!
      I enjoyed BB4P very much this year. Thank you for it all!
      And of course will keep spreading the spirit of peace! 🙂

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