July 18, 2023 was a big day–I passed an instrument checkride and earned my Instrument Rating.
Forty-one years after my previous flight on Jan 12, 1979, I again took to the skies on Nov 13, 2020 as PIC (pilot in command). That already took some doing, as I was plenty rusty. I had a lot of prep work to do to get back in the air. Then, after polishing my basic flying skills and learning the new GPS-based navigation systems and equipment, I started training for an instrument rating. The goal was simply to become a better flyer, as I’m unfortunately too old to get a job as a commercial pilot. So I guess you can consider this a hobby–a REALLY COOL hobby that brings me a ton of joy!
I had a few setbacks, especially a hip replacement and cataract surgeries, but they were a resounding success. There were also more mundane things that got in the way, like bad weather, airplane availability, and especially work. Oh, and I published a novel last year, Mission 51. But I chipped away at the flying and made slow, steady progress. I passed the FAA written exam with high marks. I completed a comprehensive Part 141 training program, and was finally cleared for an official checkride with an FAA examiner. We prepped long and hard for it.
The hard work paid off on July 18, 2023. The oral portion of the test was stressful enough, but not nearly as much as the actual flying part. It called on everything I learned in the past two and a half years. But I’m glad to say that I passed it. I am now a Private Pilot with an Instrument Rating, and I’m fairly proud of this accomplishment at age 68.