25th Season of “THE” FFL!

Our family is into our 25th season of Fantasy Football! It’s really my brother Al’s deal, and I truly believe there can be no better fantasy league than ours because of him. We started as a literal cut and paste league, with his unbelievable reports sent out by snail mail! Al would gather scores on the fly watching as many TV’s as he could at the same time. He would then get the rest of the scores from the newspaper on Mondays and Tuesdays (after the Sunday and Monday night games). We couldn’t live without a subscription to the USA Today! We upgraded technologies with the times, adding fax, email, and finally a web-based program. Over 25 years, many of our lives have changed. A few people have come and gone from our league, though we still boast 7 of the original 12 franchises. That says a lot! Some people have moved out of town, so our old draft-day get-togethers aren’t what they used to be. Likewise our end-of-season festivities. But we all remain tight. We have seen some of our players grow up, get married, have children, and very sadly a death of one of these children just a few months ago. I will play this season with thoughts of Devon Gray, and his parents John and Jane. I can’t conceive of a greater loss. I wish them happy memories, in the midst of the loss and pain. (My eyes well up as I write this.) We consider ourselves a Fantasy Football Family, and we all lost one of our own. I am grateful to have known Devon, even if just for little bits of time, a couple of times a year. I will always remember him as a really cool kid.

THE FFL 2013

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