Stone Mountain State Park

Not Stone Mountain in Georgia. This is the less famous but more beautiful Stone Mountain State Park in North Carolina. We took our first strenuous hike of the year with our good friends, Brent and April. The temperature was an unusually warm 66 degrees, 20 above the average. It was sunny and no wind. Perfect! The hike up to the top of the mountain was a doozy! But the views were worth it!

Though, really, Princess Gail is all the view I need!

After the hike up, we hiked around the top and down the back side of the mountain, following a stream and waterfall back to where we started from.

And now that Princess Gail is carrying a camera, I get to be in an occasional picture!

She even got a picture of my halo! 😉

12 thoughts on “Stone Mountain State Park”

  1. Wow the view is magnificent. What great exercise too. I would love to do this and hubby and I haven't got up the mountain to do this in a very long time. You do have a nice halo indeed.

    Have a terrific day. Big hug to you and Princess Gail.

    Princess Because-I-Said-So (My new Carnival Cruise Name) 🙂

    1. Thanks, Sandee!
      Gail and I love to go hiking and birding. It gives us a good excuse to be outside and to get some exercise.
      And I LOVE your Cruise name. What a riot!
      Just a couple of weeks to go to your cruise! Woohoo!

  2. Sandee, C, and Shark~
    We were blessed to have a beautiful day, on a weekend, and all of us were off (“off” I mean not working, not “off” in the head! LOL)
    It was a really tough hike, though, for the first one of the year. All of us are really sore. The “good” kind of sore! 🙂

  3. Dawn~
    Oh yeah, it was worth the pain. The pictures don’t really do it justice. I hurt for a couple of days!

    I guess it’s time for you to visit the mountains! It would be a nice vacay with the kids.

    Thank you!
    What, you think that’s a fake halo or something? 😉

  4. I smiled the whole time I read your post… what a BEAUTIFUL place to be. And to be able to exercise, get fresh air, sunshine AND the view… including of the Princess! (You ARE a good husband – hope she reads your blog!) Is that ice going down the mountain? Is it normally a stream in the summer? Just beautiful!

    Are you sure that is a Halo? Did you see any cigar shaped metal air crafts flying around?

  5. Thanks, C!
    Like I said, not as famous, but I've been to both, and ours is indeed more beautiful.
    Our mountains are older, softer, and not as high as yours. I think every range has its individual beauty.

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